New year, new updates

Check out what's new!
2 Features • 5 Improvements
New year means new features. This week there’s even more to love about the lobby. Tables can now be named! Name a Prayer Table or Welcome Table, or the Donut-lovers Table. Go crazy. But that’s not all that’s new this week:
- More streaming integrations
- Edit you profile during an event
- New event titles
- Go attend an event at another church
- Greeters can chat with visitors
- Upload even more pre-event slides
🎉 New Features
Naming tables
Make the lobby unique for every event! Greeters can now name tables in the lobby.

More streaming integrations
There are more integrations available and a new layout during for easily connecting your stream feed.
💪 Improvements
Edit your profile during an event
Online participants can click on their profile name during an event and edit their name, profile photo or other details.
Name of the event added to the Live Stream screen
Now, everyone can see the name of the event at the top of the screen.

Greeter can chat with the anonymous using Direct message option
Not only can anonymous can use Direct message option to talk to Greeter, but Greeter can Direct message anonymous users.
Ability to upload up to 20 pre-event slides
Make your pre-event engaging by adding more slides!

Attending events in other communities
Want to attend an event hosted by another church? Your Altar Live account lets you join freely to other communities.