Improving hospitality & small details
Here's what's new:
- New automated greeter message flow
- Icon for leave table/row is more clear
- Countdown timer shows seconds again
- Event start and end time picker is more intuitive
- Number of attendee counter is shown again
New automated greeter message flow
The hospitality team creates a welcoming experience for first time visitors and regular attendees, and help with the general event management. They can chat with both general viewers and logged in members, answer questions, and manage permissions and remove people from the event.
When you create an event, you can set an automated welcome message that is sent to every person who joins the event - both anonymous and logged in members. You might have noticed as a greeter or host that every time a person joined, a new message would be created with each person in your direct messages channel. That can get overwhelming, especially if you have lots of people joining the event.
Good news - we've changed the message logic. Every person who joins the event, both anonymous user and logged in members, will still get an automated message in the direct messages and on the Welcome & Navigation tab from the hospitality team. But now, Greeters won't see a direct message in their inbox until someone actually replies to the direct welcome message thread. This means your direct message inbox will be more manageable and it will be easier to keep up with your messages.
Learn more about the role of the hospitality team.
Icon for leave table/row is more clear
We noticed that people weren't sure if the Leave icon while seated at a table or row meant you would leave the event, or just the row or table you were in. That's why we've updated the text underneath the waving hand button to "Leave Table" and "Leave Row".
Countdown timer shows seconds again
For many of you who were wondering where the seconds went on the countdown timer - it's back! There's something about countdown timers that builds excitement and helps orient people when they first join an event. Now people can count the seconds until your events go live!
Number of attendee counter is shown again
How many people have joined your event? Now you can see the exact number while your event is ongoing! No matter what screen you're on, you'll be able to see the attendee counter at the bottom of the screen.
Event start and end time picker is more intuitive
We used to have a clock time picker. Now we have a much more intuitive time picker, so it's easy to set the start and end time of your event. Learn more about event timing here.