Using the Lobby

The lobby is where online participants can see tables on screen, see where other members are “seated”, and join or leave a video-conference session with others freely by clicking on any Table or Room. Online participants can be moved in or out of the lobby at any time during the event by a greeter or host. Online participants cannot go into the lobby on their own, a Greeter or Host must change the state of the event first. If a user joins an event while the event is in lobby mode, they will join the lobby.
Just like the live stream event, if you have made your event public, anyone who clicks on your event link will be able to join, see the tables, and see members moving between Tables and Rooms when you have switched into the lobby mode. However, an online participant cannot join a Table or Room until they sign up or log in. If they click on a Table or Room to join, they will be prompted with a dialogue to sign up or log in.
Actions anonymous participants (people who are not logged in) can do while in the lobby:
Tables and Rooms are similar to breakout rooms on other video conference platforms.
Any online participant who is logged in can join or leave a table at any time.
Step 1: Join an event and log in if you are not already logged in.
Step 2: Wait until a Greeter or Host moves everyone to the lobby.
Step 3: Click Join on any table.
Step 4: Once joined, you will see the collapsed screen which you can expand by clicking on the Expand button.
Step 5: Use the controls in the bottom bar to turn on/off your camera and microphone. You can leave the table by clicking on the leave button in the bottom bar. Click Yes from the pop-up, if you want to leave a seat. Click Cancel if you change your mind.
Rooms can be accessed by all the attendees when the Event is in the Lobby state. Attendees can toggle between Tables and Rooms to be able to move around. You can see who has joined which Rooms, and hop in and out of Rooms, just like Tables.
Step 1: If Rooms have been added to the event during the event, click on the Room toggle at the top of the screen to view the Rooms.
Step 2: Click on the Join button to enter a Room.
Step 3: If you want to leave a Room to return to the Room options or to the Tables, click the hangup button.
You can find another participant in the lobby in a few ways. Search for a member in the search bar, or scroll through the member list.
Search for a participant: Navigate to the Member tab on the right-hand side of the screen and use the search field.
Once you find the member you are looking for, you can press the three dots and select "Find on Screen" to see where they are seated.
Learn how to create an account, join an event, and other community member functions.
Learn how to create an account, join an event, and other community member functions.
Learn how to create an account, join an event, and other community member functions.