5 Ways to Make the Most of Announcement Templates in Altar Live

Whether someone gets up on stage during your church service to remind your community of upcoming events, or you've printed them in the church bulletin, relaying important announcements to your congregation is a key part of keeping everyone on the same page.
But what does it look like to do this well in the context of an online church service, event, or conference?
You may be accustomed to the strategy of having to frantically copy and paste your announcements in the chat and asking all attendees to ‘please take a look’.
While this may get the job done, Altar’s Announcements Templates make getting information across to your congregation a fun and effortless process.
Here are a few examples of what that might look like for your church:

1. Giving
Whether it’s tithing, raising support for a mission or a cause, giving is essential to your church’s health. Using the Announcements Template, seamlessly send an announcement across your congregation’s screen during your time of offering, or as you discuss the mission or cause you may be raising support for. Invite them to give through a link or give or provide instructions on how to best do so. This is what that might look like:
Missions Announcement
Text: Jackie will be headed to Guatemala next week! Please keep her in your prayers. You can support her here.
Button: Support Jackie
Link to: Support page
Tithing / Giving
Text: Want to give? Donate using our secure and easy payment system.
Button: Give Now
Link to: Your church’s giving page
Cause Giving
Text: We are raising support for those affected by the hurricane. Please give through the link if you feel led.
Button: Give Now
Link to: Your church’s giving page
2. Event Registration
Whether it’s your church’s small groups, upcoming retreat, webinar or other event, asking members to be involved and engaged is crucial. With events happening year round, here’s a few examples of announcements you just might want to copy:
Small Groups
Title: Small Groups
Text: Our small groups will be starting again on January 12th.
Button: Sign up for a small group now
Link to: Small Groups signup sheet
Alpha Groups
Title: Sign Up for Alpha
Text: If you’re interested in exploring faith, all are welcome!
Button: Join Alpha
Link to: Alpha Sign Up/ Info page
Title: Retreat Sign Up
Text: Don’t forget to RSVP to next month’s Winter Retreat!
Button: Register Now
Link to: Retreat registration link
Children’s Events or VBS
Title: Sign Up for VBS 7/4-7/20!
Text: Read for a fun-filled summer? Sign up and spread the word - Shipwrecked VBS is here!
Button: Reserve your spot today!
Link to: VBS registration link

3. Ministry Team Recruitment
It’s the people who really come together to make up your faith community and make it possible. Looking for volunteers isn’t always easy, yet by allowing this quick ask to pop up for everyone might be a nice reminder of the opportunities to serve at your church. Having ministry teams such as greeters and host teams can truly lend a helpful hand to the ministry of the church!
Ministry Team Interest Form
Join a Ministry Team
Text: Ready to serve? Learn more about our ministry teams.
Button: Learn more
Link to: Ministry team sign up form
Recruiting Your Hosting Team
Title: Greeters Needed!
Text: Have a cheery personality and a stable internet connection? We need more virtual greeters to help everyone feel welcome.
Button: Find out more
Link to: Info/signup sheet
4. Reminders
Reminders. Every one needs them. No one wants to be the only one to show up at the incorrect time after the service time has changed! Here’s a few templated ideas of announcements you can create to ensure your community is all on the same page:
Updates to Your Service
Title: Service Time Update
Text: Next week’s online service will be at 10:30 AM EST.
Button: N/A
Link to: N/A
Upcoming Events
Title: Spread the word…
Text: Easter service is coming up! Share this link with your friends and family!
Button: Share this link!
Link to: Easter service link
Post-Event Lobby Time
Title: A Quick Reminder
Text: After the service, we will move to the tables in the virtual lobby.
Button: N/A
Link to: N/A
5. In-service Program Announcements
It’s essential for any church to have announcements according to the flow of the service, whether it’s welcoming everyone in, letting them know about the coffee hour happening, or even them letting them know if you’re going through any technical issues. Guide and direct your attendees easily with Announcement Templates. Here’s a few templates that might just come in handy:
Welcome to Attendees
Title: Welcome to Church!
Text: We will begin shortly! Feel free to find a seat and connect with those around you.
Button: N/A
Link to: N/A
Technical Difficulties
Title: Hold tight…
Text: We are currently experiencing technical difficulties and will resume shortly. Thanks for your patience!
Button: N/A
Link to: N/A
Coffee Hour
Title: Coffee Hour
Text: We will be moving to the tables in the virtual lobby after the sermon, so grab a cup of coffee and hang around after the event has finished.
Button: N/A
Link to: N/A

Prayer Rooms
Title: Need Prayer?
Text: Immediately after the service we will have a couple of prayer rooms open in the lobby.
Button: N/A
Link to: N/A
Passing of the Peace
Title: Greet Your Neighbors!
Text: Take a moment to say hello and pass the peace of Christ to those you are sitting with.
Button: N/A
Link to: N/A
6. Connect with Us / After the Event is Over
Providing options for follow up is key to engaging with both newcomers and regular attendees alike! Whether it’s allowing attendees to leave an email, linking previous sermon recordings, or letting them know about upcoming events, the Announcements Templates comes clutch for moments like these:
Email Subscription
Title: Connect with us!
Text: Want to receive updates straight to your inbox? Sign up for our newsletter
Button: Let’s Connect
Link to: Connection form
Previous Sermon Recordings
Title: Sermon Recordings
Text: Looking for previous sermons? Check out our YouTube Page!
Button: Find Past Sermons Here
Link to: Youtube Page
Ministry Resources for Congregation
Title: Need to be ministered to?
Text: If you need prayer, encouragement or to be ministered to, reach out to our ministry team here.
Button: Connect with our team
Link to: Contact form or email
Upcoming Events
Title: What’s Happening at Faith Community Church
Text: Check out our upcoming events! We’d love to see you there.
Button: See All Church Events
Link to: Church Calendar
Social Media Connect
Title: Follow us on Instagram
Text: For updates, devotional content and the inside scoop of all that’s happening at FCC, follow us on Instagram!
Button: Follow Us On Instagram
Link to: Church Instagram account
Draw from these templated examples as you come up with an arsenal of announcements for your church! Announcement Templates make it easy for your host team to give directions, create call to actions and promote events and follow up with church attendees without the extra hassle. Set up key announcements, and pull them out whenever the time comes to do so.
Offering time again? Use the Giving Announcement you've already set up. Need to remind the congregation of an upcoming event? No need to write a whole new announcement. Unexpected technical difficulties? Keep the congregation in the know within a few seconds.
Whether it' s for giving, registration, looking for people to serve, giving reminders, directing the flow of the event or providing options to follow up - announcements can easily create a smooth flow for your next service, event, or conference.
Another essential tool for hosts in making events, services, and conferences interactive is the Poll Template! Be sure to read on if you’re looking for more ideas on how you can use Poll Templates in Altar Live to enrich community interactions and increase engagement.