Digital Church is the Future

Over the summer, Altar Live had the opportunity to present at The Future Church Initiative, convened by Exponential in Nashville. And recently, we caught the eye of David Drury, a multi-vocational second chair leader, coach, org founder, church planter, and author. He kindly wrote a piece featuring Altar Live and discussing the future of church. Read a portion of the article below:
"I am taking a short break from writing about The Opportunity Funnel to talk about the future of the church.
Why? Well, I had the honor of presenting at The Future Church Initiative, convened by Exponential in Nashville, and it has me thinking even more than usual about the church and the future. Some of my readers are business leaders, but I imagine you will find something in this of interest. If not, check your inbox next week and skip this one.
The Future Church initiative featured 14 different projects that Todd Wilson, Exponential President, and CEO, says "...have at least one element [with] the potential to be a shaping factor in the future expressions of church that will be vital to healthy reproduction." So, these are not just trendy topics and wild ideas, they are church strategies that look to help the church multiply. As you may know, I have a keen interest in such things, so here's my take on what I saw there from the other presenters (a sort of "behind-the-scenes" look at the future of the church.)
You’ll also find a “TOUGH QUESTION” about each of these Future Church Initiatives that I hope you’ll discuss with me in the comments.
Ok let’s dive in… because at this event I gleaned that “the future of the church is disciple-making, diverse, digital, multi-vocational, micro, and justice.”
The future of the church is digital
"Some exasperated by their pivot to online worship because of Covid are hoping that the past of the church is digital, not the future. However, many are seizing the day to be intentional online in innovative ways. Stephanie Leathe from Altar Live presented their online platform as such a tool, helping people move from just streaming one-way content to hosting interactive spaces to engage in community and transformative relationships.
Going even deeper, Matt Souza from GodSquad Church and Mark Lutz from Lux Digital Church both shared about reaching the gaming community. These ministries believe that the 3 billion gamers worldwide spending a combined total of 1.56 trillion hours a year at home playing might only be reached through their digital lives. These are not just pipe dreams where someone gets to "play games" for their job. They are building relationships and making disciples and using virtual bridges to change the actual physical lives of people. GodSquad Church is organized like a well-run physical church plant, already with staffing to lead into the future: 5 part-time, 2 full-time, and 2 volunteer staff.
If the Future Church Initiative features what is coming next in the church, then I think it will be more digital, not less."
Read the full article here